Sunday, April 1, 2012

No Joke

"In the corridor of the third floor of Academic Hall, European armies have made radical changes in their maneuvers. The French apparently have given up the war and have fled to the western coast of France. The English have disappeared entirely. All the German forces of the western theater are quartered in Paris. In the east, the Austrian and German forces are massed in the lowlands of Prussia, surrounded by Russian and Servian [sic] troops. A few Servians are left as garrisons along the frontier. One lone Austrian army corps has escaped and is now stationed in the middle of the North Sea. The havoc is attributed to some April Fool prank." -from a April 1, 1915 University Missourian article titled Jokers Annihilate Armies: April-Fool Pranks Play Havoc With European War Map.” 

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